
What is Alpha?


Whether it’s a group of friends gathered around a kitchen table, or a quick catch-up over coffee, food has a way of bringing people together. It’s no different at Alpha. All sessions start with a fabulous dessert, because it's a great way to connect, relax and build friendships.


The talks are designed to be engaging and inspire conversation. Usually around 30 minutes long, they explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christianity, addressing questions like “Who is Jesus?”, “Why and how do I pray?” and “How does God guide us?”


Probably the most important part of any Alpha: the chance to share thoughts and ideas about the talk without being corrected or judged. There’s no obligation to say anything; it’s an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective.

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Real Life Stories

Watch these videos to see how Alpha can change lives.

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