AAC Updates
AAC is excited to resume meeting in person with the maximum allowable group size of 50 per BCCDC regulations. You are required to sign up in advance for one of four service dates below. If you have any issues signing up or do not have access to a computer to do so, please call the church office on Wednesdays between 1 - 3 pm to register over the phone. You may also call the office (604-856-3447) at this time to go on a waitlist if the service is full. We ask that you call or email to cancel if you are unable to attend on the date you are registered so that others may come in your place. We understand this all feels anything but normal. Thank you for understanding and working with us as we move to this next phase.
10:30am June 6th, 2021 - Register NOW!
10:30am June 13th, 2021 - Register NOW!
June 20th, 2021 (Zone A) - Register NOW!
June 20th, 2021 (Zone B) - Register NOW!
June 27th, 2021 (Zone A) - Register NOW!
June 27th, 2021 (Zone B) - Register NOW!